States looking to 2024 to pass revised kids’ online safety bills
A group of state legislators and children’s safety advocates are planning a renewed campaign to import British digital safeguards for kids into the United States as they look to ward off legal challenges from the tech industry.
Social media platforms are choosing not to protect kids
Social media companies aren’t going to protect kids from deadly harm until we force their hands. That’s what I realized shortly after one terrifying day in 2021 when the police called to tell me my 15-year-old daughter had overdosed on fentanyl after being missing for nearly five months.
Youth digital privacy battles spark in states
Maryland and Minnesota are the primary battlegrounds over so-called age-appropriate design legislation, a version of which was also briefly considered in New Mexico. A children’s privacy measure that borrows elements from the California law was introduced in New York. A related bill is likely coming to Nevada next.
Bill to protect children’s online privacy passes first committee
The Senate Tax, Business and Transportation Committee unanimously passed a bill that seeks to protect children’s privacy online. SB 319 endeavors to place safeguards into the online world that children venture through everyday.
Regulation can protect children online
As a parent, I have seen firsthand the major role the internet plays in our children’s lives. Whether it be for education, entertainment or play, our children and teens are more connected to digital products and services than ever before.